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One of the three bags in this brain teaser has cash. Can you figure it out?

A mind-boggling brain teaser was shared on Instagram and it has left people scratching their heads. The brain teaser simply challenges puzzle lovers to figure out a bag among three that has cash in it, basis some hints. Are you smart emough to figure it out?
The brain teaser reads, “There are three bags on a table. One of the bag contains cash and the other two are empty.”
It then features three bags. While the message on the first two bags read, “The cash is not here,” the text on the third bag reads, “The cash is in the second bag.”
“One of these messages [on the bags] is true and the other two are false. Which bag has the cash?” the puzzle further states.
Do you think you can solve this problem?

A post shared by Rishabh Bajpai (@brainteaser_hub)
The brain teaser was shared on July 2 on Instagram. It has since collected numeorus likes and comments.
“In the third bad,” said an individual.
Another commented, “First bag”
“I touch the bags and see which one is empty,” joked a third.
A fourth added, “Probably another bag inside the bag.”
“The third bag says it’s in the second bag,” expressed a fifth.
Which bag do you think has the cash- first, second or third?
