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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Chandigarh: ‘No official meetings’ but new mayor is making the most of public events

With the Supreme Court barring new mayor Manoj Sonkar from holding House and budget meetings, he is now spending most of his time attending public events across the city.
In the initial days, after taking over the post, Sonkar had a few meetings with MC officials to discuss the annual budget before presenting it in the house but the meeting was deferred after the SC had directed him not to hold meetings until the court’s final orders.
Sonkar is ensuring consistent presence at the mayor officer in the municipal corporation (MC) building where city residents and party workers are paying regular visits to greet him. After office hours, Sonkar is seen attending public events as a special invitee from the organisers and is taking up routine work from his ward.
“I had planned to hold a budget meeting on February 7 and then a House meeting on February 15 so that the pending developmental agendas can be taken up for approval in the house. Since January, no finance and contract committee (F&CC) meeting and House meeting has been conducted due to which new projects are not being initiated in the city. But respecting SC’s orders, I am not holding any official meeting now but doing only the routine work as a councillor,” Sonkar said.
“Every day, I make sure to dedicate at least one hour to my ward so that public issues can be resolved. People are inviting me to their events and I am attending them”, he said, adding that he has a lot of big development plans for the city but will wait for the SC’s directions to officially start my tenure.
As per the MC Act, the financial powers of the MC lie only with the House or municipal commissioner and hence, the mayor is not making any financial transactions. Also, no new developmental projects are being announced or initiated by him as the power for approval lies with F&CC and the House.
Opposition opposes Sonkar’s powers
Congress councillor Gurpreet Singh Gabi said that the administration should immediately remove this fake mayor. “If there is even a little bit of morality left in the BJP, the way the mayor’s office and vehicle are being used should be stopped. The mayor is meeting senior officers, he is attending programmes, bouquets are being given to him and should be stopped.”
